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Simple Two-Page Spring Home Maintenance Checklist

Light blue Georgian style home with daffodils lining slate walk on a sunny day.

Spring-cleaning is one thing: airing out linens and rugs, washing floors and windows - all those tasks that are more enjoyable when you can open up the windows and let the fresh air in.

Spring home maintenance is something else - it's making sure your home is sound, inside and out, in preparation for spring storms, and relaxing comfortably outdoors!

Here's an easy-to-follow checklist you can print out and get the satisfaction of checking off the items you complete. Most are easy to do, and some may require a professional, but you'll rest easy knowing your home is ready for anything April Showers and May Flowers can offer.

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Home Maintenance Checklist


  • Change HVAC Filters

  • Have air conditioning inspected

  • Clean and inspect window screens for damage

  • Check moisture in the crawlspace and basement

  • Make sure sump pump is in working order

  • Check washing machine hoses for wear

  • Disconnect the dryer vent and check for lint buildup

  • Clean forgotten corners like behind doors and appliances, the backs of cabinets, refrigerator coils, etc.

  • Get ready for an ant invasion. Terro Ant Bait traps work best and are easy to put out and toss.


  • Make sure gutters are cleaned out and seal any leaks

  • Trim trees and shrubs away from the house before the forsythia starts to bloom (like, now)

  • Trim brush away from heat pumps or outdoor HVAC units

  • Inspect the caulking around doors and windows for cracks and separation

  • Check wood decks, railings, windowsills, steps, fences, and gates for rot

  • Pressure was: patios, decks, driveways, walkways, outdoor furniture, soffits, and siding if needed

  • Seal driveway

  • Inspect outdoor sprinkler heads for damage from snow removal equipment or cold weather cracking

  • Inspect and tune up lawn equipment, sharpen hand tools

  • Clean debris away from foundations and window wells

  • Move firewood - make sure it is 18" off the ground and 3 feet away from any structures


  • Remove all debris - limbs, pine needles, leaves, twigs, pine cones, gumballs, etc.

  • Aerate the soil if it wasn't done the previous fall

  • Revive dead patches by cutting the areas back to bare soil, loosening the dirt, and reseeding

  • Do a soil evaluation to check pH level, nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium levels so you know which amendments you need to add (Luster Leaf's Rapidtest kit for lawns is easy to use)

  • Top dress the soil - apply a half-inch of top dressing (a light compost like mushroom compost) when the soil is dry

  • Over seed - mow back the lawn, rake to loosen the soil, and oversees at 1/2 the recommended rate for bare soil, then water immediately and daily until new sprouts appear

  • Avoid foot traffic - time to pull out those "get off my lawn" signs

  • Be patient.


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Sources: Mr. Handyman, Good Housekeeping, Better Homes & Gardens, Bob Vila


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