In an effort to reduce the costs associated with processing the 2023 proxy, Mutual Assurance is encouraging all members to vote online. In a year of rising postal, paper, and labor costs, every penny we can save will have a positive impact on the Society.
Beginning March 6th, all members with a valid email address on file with us will receive emails from our voting partner Intelliscan, Inc. All members who do not vote online prior to March 17th will be mailed a paper ballot on April 1st.
You can still save money for the Society by voting online from the mailed ballot, or you can opt to return the ballot using the prepaid envelope included with the ballot.
Here are some points worth noting for however you opt to vote:
If you do not see an email from MASV@intelliscaninc.net in your inbox by March 10th, please check your spam folder.
If you have signed up for paperless communications with us, you will not receive a paper ballot in the mail, so please make sure you look for the email if you wish to vote.
By Mail
If you receive your Society correspondence by mail or have not voted online by March 17th, look for the proxy in your mailbox the first week of April. It will have a return address with Mutual listed and Intelliscan's Pennsylvania return address.
You may vote online with the ID number listed above your name in the address box. The website address is on the proxy. If you prefer, you can mail the ballot back in the postage-paid envelope provided.
If mailing your proxy, please do not include anything else in the envelope, such as payment or correspondence, as it will not be coming to our offices in Richmond.

In Person
Mutual Assurance strongly encourages all members to vote by proxy in advance of the Annual Meeting set for May 8th at 10 am in our office building at 4001 Fitzhugh Avenue. If you wish to attend the meeting, please register by clicking the button below.